Business and Legal Developments
in Silicon Valley
Just as we thought we would getting back to normal this spring, conditions got even more interesting. While the rest of the world has been navigating decreased growth in GDP owing to inflation, imports, interest rate increases, a market correction to the public equity markets, prognostications about a coming “crypto-winter,” zero-COVID imposed lockdowns, the Omicron variant and the response to daily changes to the border between NATO and the Russian Federation, the flow of capital in the heart of startupland has not slowed down (very much). We continue to represent companies and investors at all stages of growth that are doing smart deals to put capital to work to build great companies, and exit.
In this issue, we introduce our new chairman and CEO, we present our new platform for legal technology tools to accelerate the startups called Foley Ignite, digital and “IRL” events as well as news about our clients and the business of law.
Let’s dig in…
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